Each age brings forth new genius on this noble land,| and each will rule its own domain for years to come. 江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。(赵翼《论诗》)
There should be legal limits to land expropriation and eminent domain actions by local government. 应从法律上限制地方政府的征地数量和征地行为。
Land reform movements called for the free distribution of the public domain to help cure labor ills. 土地改革运动要求公共资源进行合理分配以帮助治疗劳工疾病;
Scale problem is one of the central issues in land cover mapping from remote sensing imagery, and downscaling land cover data is a difficulty in this domain. 尺度问题是土地覆盖分类中的一个核心问题,向下尺度转换又是其中的难点。
Protection of Collective-owned Land Property and Misery Index of Eminent Domain 集体所有土地产权保护与征地痛苦指数
In the course of land eminent domain, the protection of the property right of the citizens should be maintained in the legislative, administrative and judicial practice. 应尽快在立法、行政和司法实践中解决好征地、拆迁过程中公民财产权利的保护问题。
At present stage, the land expropriation problems are mainly expressed in four aspects such as abuse of eminent domain, unreasonable compensation for land expropriation, procedure of land expropriation and the life guarantee of the farmers expropriated of their land. 现阶段我国的土地征用问题主要表现在征地范围、征地补偿、征地程序和被征地农民生活保障等几个方面。
Firstly, the temporal characteristics of land and cadastre are described. Each object in cadastral domain is analyzed based on object-oriented method. 首先,研究了土地及其地籍的时间特征,运用面向对象的思想深入分析了地籍领域中存在的各个对象,指出地籍领域中存在时空属性对象和属性对象,宗地是时空属性对象;
Part three is the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of land eminent domain. 我国土地征收制度利弊的分析。
Issues concerning land eminent domain are heated and popular topics during past several years, which is reflected by the constitutional amendment of year 2004. China has formed a comparatively integrated system of land eminent domain through the legislation of relative laws and regulations. 土地征收是近年来的一个热点议题,在2004年宪法修正案中也得到体现。结合相关的法律法规中的规定,我国已经形成比较完整的土地征收制度体系。
In this paper, ground slow-moving target imaging via airborne interferometric SAR/ ISAR technique is investigated. Land clutter suppression and SCR improvement are achieved by range and cross-range two-dimensional high resolution of SAR imaging and spatial domain cancellation of interferometer. 该文研究用机载干涉SAR/ISAR技术对地面慢速目标成像,该技术利用SAR成像的距离和横向距离高分辨率,以及干涉仪的空域对消,实现杂波抑制,提高信杂比。
This system provides the land resource government domain with a valid technology to improve the management level and make decision-making more efficient. 为提高国土资源部门业务会议的效率和决策科学性,提供了有力的信息技术手段。
Besides, some relevant countermeasure and suggestions for how to develop Recycling Economy in the land and resources domain are also brought forward. 论述了发展循环经济以实现我国矿产资源可持续利用的必要性与可行性,并对我国资源领域如何发展循环经济提出了相应的对策建议。
The results indicate that the local governments misuse the land eminent domain to seek for their own interests. The farmers 'behavior under the lower compensation criteria brings about the higher external costs for governments, enterprises and society and results in the inefficient land expropriation system. 研究结果:地方政府滥用征地权是追求自身利益最大化的结果,低标准补偿下农户行为给政府、企业、社会带来了较高的外在成本,导致征地效率损失。
The writer briefly analyzes the active influence and historical meaning of land eminent domain to social development after the foundation of PRC. 首先简要分析土地征收制度自建国后在我国经济社会发展中起的积极作用及其历史意义。
So the reform of land acquisition institution have been increased into schedule and become a hot issue in the scientific circles of land and in the land management educational domain. 因而,土地征用制度改革被提上了日程,它既为当前土地科学理论研究的焦点,也是土地管理实际工作中的一项迫切任务。
Some main targets used to appraise urban green land eco-effects put forward, these targets concerned ecological field intensity, ecological field gradient and domain. 提出用生态场强、场梯度和场幅作为城市绿地生态效应的主要评价指标。
Secondly, this dissertation analyzes the land law domain based on ontology. 其次,基于本体的土地法律领域分析。
Currently with the serious contradiction between people and land day by day, with the land-use study in depth, how does the land use reasonably has become the front and the hot spot domain of the global research. 当前随着人地矛盾日益突出,土地利用研究的深入,土地如何可持续利用已成为全球研究的前沿和热点领域。
This mode of land provision is conflicted to the provisions on eminent domain, which requires public use prescribed by Constitution and Property Law. 该土地供应模式与我国《宪法》、《物权法》等有关土地征收须以公共利益为目的的要求不相符。
This thesis applies property right model into analyzing property right transfer and market price system of collective land, to open out inherence connection among transaction cost, pubic domain of property right and price of collective land market. 本研究将产权模型引入集体土地产权流转与集体土地市场价格体系的分析中,揭示了交易成本、产权公共域与集体土地市场价格之间的内在关系。
With the growth of population, cropland became scarcity and so the increment of land value was placed in public domain, people contested and occupied land madly. Land tangle with each other was mounting up steadily. It made a tension on the old institution. 春秋时人口增长使得土地成为一种稀缺资源时,土地增长的价值只能处于公共领域,被人们肆意争夺,围绕着土地资源的纠纷日益增长,这就在制度方面造成了一种压力。
After the Great War ended, Germany was forced to cession of vast tracts of land, and how to retake these lost territories, especial eastern region of domain, becomes one of the core tasks in German previous governments 'foreign policy. 第一次世界大战结束后,德国被迫割让大片土地,如何收回这些失地尤其东部地带的领地成为德国历届政府外交政策的核心任务之一。
Based on the theories of temporal and spatial relationship, this thesis discusses the ontological description of temporal and spatial relationship of cadastral entities. Finally, this thesis designs a land registration system based on the cadastral domain model. 本文基于已有的时间和空间关系的理论,对地籍实体时空关系的本体描述进行了讨论。最后,本文以地籍领域本体为基础设计土地登记发证系统。
Is honored as "the emblem camel" the spiritual Huizhou person, on this ancient land, they in each cultural domain, has achieved nearly the amazing achievement. 被誉为徽骆驼精神的徽州人,在这块古老的土地上,他们几乎在每一个文化领域,都取得了令人瞩目的成就。
Division of land in the public domain ⅰ, ⅱ, ⅲ, and re-interpretation of the relationship between ownership of land between the countries, the rural collective organizations and farmers. Put forward a hypothesis to be tested. 划分土地的公共领域Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,重新诠释国家、农村集体组织和农户之间的土地产权关系,提出了待验证的假说。
Traditional GIS is mainly applied to land and its study area is just within the domain of three dimensions. 传统的GIS主要应用于陆地,所涉及的范畴也仅局限于三维空间。
The researching of indexing and querying moving spatial objects is very important in spatio-temporal database, and valuable in applications of traffic control, navigating, land planning and mobile communication, it is a new issue in database researching domain. 动态空间数据的索引和查询是时空数据库系统研究的重要内容,在交通管理、智能导航、土地规划、移动通信等领域有重要的应用价值,是数据库领域近年来研究和发展的方向之一。
As a ancient states, China had several thousand years long history, It causes ancient China rich land culture, well worth the precious local plot and the rich landscape remains in its broad domain, which connect closely to the land and natural economy pattern. 作为一个拥有几千年悠久历史的古老国度,传统的与土地紧密相连的自然经济模式使得古老中国在其广阔的领域内孕育了丰富的大地文化、弥足珍贵的乡土情节和丰富的景观遗存。
It is necessary to research land law ontology reasoning because of the important position of legal reasoning in law domain. 鉴于法律推理在法律领域中的重要地位,土地法律本体推理的研究是必不可少的。